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Request for connected config script directory

PostPosted: Wed Dec 09, 2009 4:35 pm
by peter.schuurbiers
Hi Scott,

Enabling us to use scripts for formatting the input of my cnc programma it would be helpful to obtain a script sub-directory for each configuration.


Is it now feaseble that you can include in a future version of this great NCPlot programme, the function that after having chosen my machine configuration (under the button), that when I use the VBS script button thereafter, I aproach the files in the same sub-dir of the machine. My scripts match the specific input of the machine for the milling or turning applications. This feature will split the files as groups were they belong.

Thank you so mach joining the forum.


Re: Request for connected config script directory

PostPosted: Thu Dec 10, 2009 7:51 pm
by scottmartinez
Hi Peter,

Yes, I'm sure I can make this an option.
