Bug with the machine coordinate variables eg. #5001....

NCPlot questions or comments

Bug with the machine coordinate variables eg. #5001....

Postby Armageddon » Fri Apr 28, 2006 10:11 am

Hi Scott,

think there is a bug in NCPlot.


G0 X30.0 Z0.0
G65 P1234 X-2.0 Z-50.0

#5001 should be 30.0 when i call the subprogramm O1234 with G65.
#5001 will be set to -2.0 when NCPlot enter subprogramm O1234.
But #5001 should be 30.0 because X-2.0 is only a value for #24 in subprogramm O1234

Hope you understand what i mean.

Best regards

Postby scottmartinez » Fri Apr 28, 2006 11:40 am


Yes, that is definately a bug. I'll take a look at it.

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