NCPlot v2.01 now available

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NCPlot v2.01 now available

Postby scottmartinez » Tue May 01, 2007 7:49 pm

An NCPlot v2 update is now available for download. This update is free for registered users, simply install over your existing NCPlot installation.

NCPlot v2.01 Release Notes
May 1, 2007


The backplotter now allows comma characters for the auto radius and auto chamfer commands ",R" and ",C".

Made a change to the expression evaluator to allow square bracket comments to follow numeric values. For example: "M06[TOOL CHANGE]". This was causing an error.

Fixed a problem with programs whose program number is designated with the colon character ":". This problem was causing some searched block numbers to not be found. This affected any G-Code or macro statement that required a search for a block number.

Made a change to the Lathe G76 threading cycle to support plotting tapered threads.

The viewport now allows deleting selected entities. Pressing the 'Delete' key will remove any selected entities from the display. This does *not* delete the corresponding blocks from the program. To restore the deleted entities, simply refresh the viewport.

Machine Setup

Added a setting to the 'Machine Type' tab that allows defining the default file types. This defines the types of files that are displayed when browsing for files to open or save.

Added a setting to the 'Control Options 2' tab that allows defining the address used by the G04 dwell command. This setting defaults to the "X" address.


Added an option that allows turning on or off the plotting of files when they are loaded into NCPlot.

Added an option that will cause the viewport to zoom to extents when the view orientation is changed.

DXF Import

When using the "Z Increment" setting, under certain conditions the last entity in the drawing would not be converted to G-Code. This is fixed.

Added support for ELLIPSE entities. Imported ellipses are broken into line segments when read.

Now correctly reads closed Polylines.

Fixed a problem in the chain sorting tool. If the last chain was a single entity, it would disappear after sorting.

Fixed a problem in the chain reversal tool. In some cases an unselected chain would reverse along with the selected chain.

The sorting tool now allows defining the start point for sorting. To do this simply select one entity that is part of the chain you would like it start from.

Macro Stepping

Helical arcs were not being drawn when plotted from the 'Show Variables' window. This is fixed.
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