Can't resize code or plot panes

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Can't resize code or plot panes

Postby hdscarbro » Fri Jun 26, 2009 8:25 pm

I can't move the divider between the code and plot panes in versions 2.06 and 2.07. I can move the divider in version 2.04.

On my computer, the code and plot panes are roughly equal in width. If I position the mouse very carefully there is a 1 pixel wide area where the resize cursor appears, but I can't move the divider.

Is this an intentional change or a bug?
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Re: Can't resize code or plot panes

Postby scottmartinez » Sat Jun 27, 2009 5:08 pm

Can you post a screen capture of your NCPlot window?

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Re: Can't resize code or plot panes

Postby hdscarbro » Mon Jun 29, 2009 8:39 am

Here's a screen capture.

I discovered that the panes can be resized under 2.07 installed on my laptop, just not on my desktop machine.
Screen capture
screen2.jpg (114.12 KiB) Viewed 14788 times
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Re: Can't resize code or plot panes

Postby scottmartinez » Mon Jun 29, 2009 7:59 pm


The center divider shouldn't be as wide as it is in your screen capture. What happens when you click "File / Reset Toolbars" ? Do the toolbars revert to their default state?

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Re: Can't resize code or plot panes

Postby hdscarbro » Tue Jun 30, 2009 8:50 am

The toolbars revert to their default locations. The wide blue strip between the code and view panes is still present. I also tried:

1) uninstalling and reinstalling ncplot.
2) deleting the layout.tlb file in C:\Documents and Settings\David Scarbro\Application Data\NCPlot Software\NCPlot v2.07
3) deleting all keys under HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\VB and VBA Program Settings\NCPlot v2.07 in the registry.
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Re: Can't resize code or plot panes

Postby scottmartinez » Tue Jun 30, 2009 8:27 pm


Well, it sounds like you've already tried the things I was going to suggest....

It seems like I've seen this before, but not for awhile - I can't seem to remember if I ever found a solution for it. Are you running the same OS on both the laptop and desktop machines?

Hang on, I just remembered something about an issue with the Windows DPI setting. Try this: Right click your desktop and click "Personalize". On the left side of the window that appears, click "Adjust font size (DPI)". If it's not already selected, select "Default scale". I think you will need to reboot your machine after this change, but try this and see if it fixes the problem.

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Re: Can't resize code or plot panes

Postby hdscarbro » Wed Jul 01, 2009 8:50 am


That was it. I can resize the panes when the DPI setting is normal (100%) or large (125%). My display was set to a custom scale (110%). Weird.

Thanks very much.

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