
NCPlot questions or comments


Postby RvA » Fri Jun 29, 2007 8:00 pm

Hello Scott,

Great little program you have here!

I was wondering if it would be possible to add templates to this program? I would like to set up a file with my machines standard startup parameters and when I click on "New" it would read this file into the new program. This could save me some time by not having writing this stuff or coping and pasting another program into NCPlot and ripping out what ever I don't need.

Also what ever happened to the smart code color? I saw on one of the posts you where working on it?


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Postby scottmartinez » Fri Jun 29, 2007 8:32 pm



To use the colorize tool you have to open the 'Edit' menu and then check the item that says 'Colorize'. There are no colors assigned by default, so you will have to assign colors to the addresses before you will see any change. Open the 'Setup' menu and then click 'Address Colors' to assign the colors.

There are probably a few ways you could accomplish templates using NCPlot. Here's a method that uses scripts:

Create a folder where you want to keep your template files. Let's say "C:\NCPlot Templates".

Create some template files and put them in the template folder. Call them whatever you want - as an example we'll say "template 1.nc".

Create a script file and put it into the NCPlot script folder at "\Program Files\NCPlot\Scripts". We'll call it "Template 1.vbs". Note that it must end with ".vbs".

Open the ".vbs" file in notepad and type in:

ncplot.ncpfileload "C:\NCPlot Templates\template 1.nc"

Save this file and close it. Now, in NCPlot click the script toolbar button (the one that says "VBS" on it). You will get a list that pops up, "Template 1" should be on it. Click this item on the list and presto! your template file should load into the edit window. Be careful though, this will not prompt you to save changes if you are working on a file, it will clear whatever is there and then load the new file.

Hope this helps!

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Postby RvA » Sat Jun 30, 2007 9:46 am

Hello Scott,

Ok the color works now thanks. and the script worked too. That will save me some time and some oops factor.


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